Thursday, March 4, 2010

Final White Mountains

I am choosing how Will has changed. Everyone in the story has changed but I'd like to focus on Will. Will changed the most and he was also the main character. Henry and Beanpole changed him, and the journey itself.

In the beginning Will was this jerk who didn't care about anyone but himself and a little bit Jack. When Henry decided to come with Will, Will was not happy he was very mad at Henry. Will was self-centered! Once he realized what happened to Jack after the capping Will was willing to make the journey to the White Mountains not knowing how it was going to change him.

The journey changed Will in more than one way. One, he learned to depend on Henry and later on Beanpole for resources. Will also learned about love and he also became un-self-centered. He learned about the Tripods and how to deal with pain. Will was much more confident in himself after he made the journey to the White Mountains. He learned that the journey wasn't all fun and games, it was tough!