Popularity by: Anne W.
Tragic corruption comes from others
Their words like whips cracking on your back
They scar you until you are invisible
Infected with the love of others, they see no harm
They do what they do without uncertainty
Attaching themselves to others with fake affection
They call it popularity
No longer should you hide under the shadows
Speak with authority and stand up for yourself
Call down the monsters in their lies
Declare to the world, exhort them to join you
Challenge the ones with sharp words
Speak with conviction
Under the weight, they will crumble
And you will no longer be
Their words like whips cracking on your back
They scar you until you are invisible
Infected with the love of others, they see no harm
They do what they do without uncertainty
Attaching themselves to others with fake affection
They call it popularity
No longer should you hide under the shadows
Speak with authority and stand up for yourself
Call down the monsters in their lies
Declare to the world, exhort them to join you
Challenge the ones with sharp words
Speak with conviction
Under the weight, they will crumble
And you will no longer be
What is worth fighting for? Standing up for yourself is definitely something worth fighting for. My poem is about this, someone standing up to the people who hurt them and ruin their life. Standing up for yourself is worth fighting for because it's your life, do what YOU want with it. I would stand up for myself and get other people to help me. This relates to my poem because it is about someone who is being bullied and then they get other people to help them stand up for what is right. Life is too short to waste it hiding under the shadows, its time that you go and stand up for your right to say and be what you want. Standing up is a way to fight for what you believe. What is worth fighting for?