Are actions is what shapes who we are. We control what we do. We can make the wrong decisions. There are things we can do that give us the things that feel good. Helping a homeless person, donating to charity, that can make us a better person. We shape our identities from what people see of us.
The book, The Island by Arman Greder shows that because the towns people treated the strange man so harshly, he was interpreted badly. They thought he was a bad person. They thought he was evil. They thought he was a murderer. But never once did they stop to ask the man what he was. I think we should take that to mind and remember other people have an influence of what is thought about you. We need to spread the message that we are good people.
Jesus Colon was man who worked late, he took to subway home and decided not to help the woman who would have a hard time getting off the train. He blew right past her and didn't stop. He lost his pride. What he had earned. All because of a little moment. He still feels the pain of that day. His identity was shaped by the way he didn't stop to ask the lady if she needed help. But people's identities can also be shaped by the rumors spread around schools, soon everyone hears and people are wondering "who would do that?" YOU never did! Everything you do has an impact on the big picture, if you mess up somewhere then your final product is messed up. There is nothing you can do to change that. The picture,painted by Pat Mansen, fits in with the idea of impacts. The one pink spot leaves an impact on the whole painting, either good or bad.