I think that Matt Harding got to connect with many countries in ways that we cannot remake. But we can make up our own ways to connect with many people. Matt Harding went around the world on a backpacking trip and danced in places in that country. He made a video of all the people coming together just to dance on his video. It seems silly for people just to come together for some guy who dances horribly. But it's not silly, it connected all those people together. People were dancing with people they didn't know, and it brought them together. We can do the same, we can visit different countries and stand on the street and give compliments or we can call up some people we know in that country and tell them to bring friends so then we can all come together as one big "family."
Matt says "My brain was designed to inhabit a fairly small social network of maybe a few dozen other primates—a tribe. Beyond that size, I start to get overwhelmed." Yes that is true. But if that is what our brain's our designed to do then why are we living in a world of 6 BILLION PEOPLE?! It is because we are also designed to connect with those people.
Matt Harding is an ordinary guy who did something for fun, that turned out to change the world.
--I like the picture because I like how Matt went to different countries even if he didn't know this place before. I chose this picture because I like how even though I haven't been there I feel like I've seen it before. By: Yann Arthus Bertrand
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